Thursday, March 01, 2007

From the hospital bed

Have been very quite since the last post and the body is really degenerating. I have been in hospital since just after chinese new year. Wanted to actually go to Malaysia to pay a visit to my baby's mother to thank her for everything she done for me in the past but couldnt. Wanted to call but didnt have the number.

I started coughing blood a couple of weeks ago. Went to the doctor and was told it just part of the symptoms of the end. Medication help me to ease a little but not fully. Just after reunion dinner I was hit so badly that I had to be admitted to the hospital. My mum and sister asked what happen and I refuse to tell them the truth just told them (and told the doctors to tell them) I had to be admitted for observation and nothing serious was at hand.

Baby ... not sure if you are still reading my blog but if you are ... I still love you but just cannot be with you. Am really sorry I wanted to go on a last trip with you but again my body would not make it possible. Hopefully we can watch Spiderman 3 together really looking forward to that. But if I cannot catch it in the movies maybe we can just get a DVD and watch it together - like we did when I visited you in hospital remember?

Take care and no matter what happens I will be with you forever.

Love you


At 12:02 AM, Blogger Jerry Aka Mickey said...

Dear John

Hoped that your wish will come true. And your beloved Mary will by your side. Take care.


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