True meaning of Life
Went to my friendster account and found one of the old blogs I wrote ... kinda like it so have moved it over ...

Life has not been great over the last year ... my dad pass away, had some relationship problems, I was force into retirement, got myself into depression and just wishing life would end.But as always, life does find a way to pick up the pieces and things got better. During my depress state I kept thinking - there is a lesson to be learned from every situation that life throws at us.So for the past year I been trying to understand what it was ...
Wasting my time meditating (sometime falling asleep doing it)trying to be alone (causing hurt to a few close people)trying to get drunk and actually getting drunk - became really good at it (hoping that when you are high enough with alc in your blood a bright spark will let you know the meaning of life)and a lot of rather stupid things ....
I Finally Found IT!
I understood the true meaning ... I finally know why life throws bad things at us ...
"The Meaning of LIFE" like a bright spark (and I was sober) became clear to me.
The answer to the question : What is the meaning of life ...
There is no true meaning, there is not always something to learn from bad times, life is just a big blob of wire that has no real directions, life cannot be controlled and if you think life is going get better after a bad fall ... trust me, it may not. The only certainty in life is Death and even that is beyond your control.
Without a road map, yin and yang balances, directions, controls etc what should we do?
I believe that we should just live each day as if it were our last. Each day presents itself with opportunities and we must decide to play it safe or take a risk.
Play it safe and it still may not go your way, take the risk and you have more to gain.So I leave this BLOG with two words :
It is not a question of looking for the meaning of the life, if you it look for sure mas is that you remain bald, jajajaja
The life has that vivrla agreeable possible mas, since you live through the life, enjoy it of you her(it) form that mas it(he,she) pleases you and since you do not live alone, it is necessary to live through harmonious possible mas, I have realized that rejecting to the persons who damage or it(he,she) is a nuisance in the diary to live, the life becomes more pleasant in every mo I mention,
I translated in a seeker since I am not a bilingual,
The meaning of life is subjective. I have already stopped looking for true meaning of life, just need to live life with purpose and passion, one must have dream, dream gives life hope and imagination. take good care of health, if you lost health, you lost the world.
thank you, whitehawk...
thanks for dropping by my blog?
thank you whitehawk...
anybody else wanna share?
do u mind if i link you?
othersidefame - would be glad to get a link from a fellow blogger (esp if you like what I wrote)
Keep me inform about the link and I will link back to you
sure...i will link you in my blog...and from my blog u could see that i have another link in multiply...
online buddy, nice to know you..
Meaning of life? I think there can only be one answer to it. By living of course.
Each of us is unique. Even before we came into this world we have been impressed with experience and when we leave, we shall leave our own experience as part of collective experience of our race. So in the way you solve your problems shall be a key to another yet unborn.
Thus meaning of your life has to be in context of other lives.
Where there is misery let me leave some of my joy; where there is meanness le me show generosity. Where there is darkness let me shed some light.
With best wishes
Benny - Thanks for the visit and your parting words :
"Where there is misery let me leave some of my joy; where there is meanness le me show generosity. Where there is darkness let me shed some light."
Really like them
Do visit again.
I generally agree with your outlook on life and the lack of 'meaning' thereof. I hope your life gets better for you; I know that the loss of a parent is really tough.
Benny, who has commented above, has a superb and thoughtful blog which I recommend.
The "Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle is something that may interest you...
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