Wednesday, March 14, 2007

300 - A brief look at History?

Caught the movie 300 just the other day with a friend. I found it quite a good male bonding movie with lots of graphical shots. If you have watch gladiator and thought it was bad ... this is worst.

Anyway, I like the movie so much I came home and check Wiki about the movie and I realise that this really happen in about 480BC. The story tell about the last stand of a small group of Spartan Army (300 men) against the Persian Empire - whose army was so vast their arrows blocks out the sky.

As I watch the movie it brings me to think a little more about myself ... maybe my last stand at my Battle of Thermopylae would be next week on the operating table.

Go watch the movie. An inspiration!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

From the hospital bed

Have been very quite since the last post and the body is really degenerating. I have been in hospital since just after chinese new year. Wanted to actually go to Malaysia to pay a visit to my baby's mother to thank her for everything she done for me in the past but couldnt. Wanted to call but didnt have the number.

I started coughing blood a couple of weeks ago. Went to the doctor and was told it just part of the symptoms of the end. Medication help me to ease a little but not fully. Just after reunion dinner I was hit so badly that I had to be admitted to the hospital. My mum and sister asked what happen and I refuse to tell them the truth just told them (and told the doctors to tell them) I had to be admitted for observation and nothing serious was at hand.

Baby ... not sure if you are still reading my blog but if you are ... I still love you but just cannot be with you. Am really sorry I wanted to go on a last trip with you but again my body would not make it possible. Hopefully we can watch Spiderman 3 together really looking forward to that. But if I cannot catch it in the movies maybe we can just get a DVD and watch it together - like we did when I visited you in hospital remember?

Take care and no matter what happens I will be with you forever.

Love you