Welcome everyone to my new blog.
I have decided to start a new blog and will attemp to update this one more often then the rest of the blogs that I have already created. I found that in the past, when I start writting a blog I get really excited but as time goes on ... the blog slowly dies. To the point that I dont really remember my password or sometime my login name there as well. So in order for that not to happen with this blog ... TADA!!! - my login name is myname - lastname first first name last and password is .... my usual one!! hahaha
That is for personal memory.

A little about myself - like all relationship we should start with the intros - I was born in Oct 7 1967 on a little island country call Singapore. I use to work in the IT industry as a consultant but have recently semi-retired and hope to make a living writting blogs :) - if you are interested please drop me a mail and I can share with you more.
Guess thats a short little intro ... will write a bit more as I have to rush off to a class now (more about that later)
Cheers ... do come back :)