I was playing scrabble with a friend today and I was fooling around with my tiles and finally came up with a word that the computer accepted -
Haika. I didnt know the meaning but it was worth 24 points as a starting word. So I played it.

I started thinking ... Haika a really beautiful sounding word, in fact it sounded Asian most likely Japanese. I got really curious about it and went to dictionary.com to do a check on the meaning. Guess what ... it was not to be found. No such word. I then googled on the word and guess what ... haika is not to be found anywhere except name of some famous person and a website for rubber stamps.
I then went to sites like
http://www.morewords.com/ and
http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/ and both showed that its an allowable word in scrabble (US). However, in the link above
http://www.chambersharrap.co.uk/ where there is a dictionary - it returned "Sorry, no entries for haika were found."
I guess I stumbled upon an allowable english word - HAIKA which has no meaning.
Since it has no meaning ... I shall give it a meaning myself -
Haika : To cause confusion in the english language. To drive someone nuts
Oh ... if you know the true meaning of the word ... leave me a comment. Its making me